Newegg Black November Hall of Fame
Back by popular demand, Newegg has just unveiled an All-Star lineup of deals sourced from throughout 2014.
Dubbed “Black November Hall of Fame”, this event is a colossal compendium of all the hottest doorbusters Newegg offered in the past year –– and, after you see the selection for yourself, we’re sure you’ll agree –– these deals are flat-out off the chain.
And that’s only the tip of the digital iceberg. Dive deeper down the list into core components like motherboards, video cards, and solid state drives. There’s also peripherals on offer at huge price cuts such as surge protectors at half price.
And don’t worry, you can even find home electronics like standing speakers, headphones and LED HDTVs. Plus, get 50% off select cases compatible with iPhone 6/6+, and free shipping on every item in The Hall of Fame!
These deals aren’t deals at all. They’re epic steals. And they’re available right now.
Our favorite deals:
View Newegg’s Black November Hall of Fame deals now!
Source: Blackfriday .com –

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